We are women of all ages.
Individually, we come with our own unique histories, experiences, passions, abilities, and season of life.
We were not created to go it alone. Here you will find studies, groups and events to gather.
Tuesday, September 10
6:30 PM - 8:30 pm | Auditorium
Help us kickoff a whole new season of Women Engaging! You’ll meet new friends and reconnect with old ones while tasting a variety of foods and different activities that help you experience a “Taste” of the season to come! Invite a friend and enjoy this special evening out. $10 per person
Fall Bible Study
The Essential Gospel
The gospel of Jesus is good news. It is the story of God, looking down on our fallen, messy, broken world, and sending His own Son to save and redeem us. We read about Jesus life, death and resurrection in the four gospels. We see the immediate effect Jesus had on people in the Book of Acts. In Romans Paul explains it all. He digs into the new reality of Jesus’ coming and explains how it works, why it works and that no one is ever the same again once the gospel of Christ has touched our lives.
Tuesdays, Sept. 17 - Nov. 19
We meet weekly as a large group for worship, teaching and then break into our small groups.
Register for AM or PM Study
Tues 9:15 -11:45 am
Women's Groups
Sometime we are in a specific season of our faith journey and need a more focused approach.