Women Engaging
We are women of all ages.
Individually, we come with our own unique histories, experiences, passions, abilities, and season of life.
We were not created to go it alone. Here you will find studies, groups and events to gather.

February 28 5pm-March 1
Join us Friday, February 28, 5:30-8:30pm and Saturday, March 1, 8am-2:30pm where we will stream Gather 25’s historic gathering of the global church while it’s happening across the globe. Invite your family and friends to join us as we worship globally! This is a Women Engaging sponsored event but is co-ed and open for all 13+!

Women's Spring Retreat
April 11-13 at Forest Home
Join us Friday, April 11 at 5pm to Sunday, April 13 at 11am. Featuring two nights’ accommodations, meals, worship, teaching, guided hikes, and access to activities like zip lining, sky trail, and campfires, all for $350 (double occupancy, up to 4 per suite).

Winter Bible Study
Tuesdays, January 21 - March 18
We meet weekly as a large group for worship, teaching and then break into our small groups.
Register for AM or PM Study
Tues 9:15 -11:45 am
Previous Studies

The Essential Gospel

Building the Ruins Together

The Summits of the Soul
Mountaintop Scenes in the Gospels

This is Love
A Study of John's Letters
Women's Groups
Sometime we are in a specific season of our faith journey and need a more focused approach.